Another chance to win.

Our first competition asked solvers to try coming up with a cryptic clue for GENESIS. We had a lot of great entries on the site and via email, but here is our winner (and an honourable mention):

A shorter sibling after a wilder beginning? (7) — A sneaky use of Gene Wilder from CL got our vote

First book to mention Caitlyn’s sibling briefly? (7) — OFM made use of a short sibling too, but used Caitlyn Jenner and tied it in nicely with the definition

This time around we’re asking you to come up with a clue for the word DEMOCRATIC. Enter below, or via email. And keep an eye out for our first CoW, coming this week…

  • OFM

    DEMOCRATIC – Called back about mostly fake Ray-Bans – yes, free
    [CITED< around MOC/k RAY -Y]

    • SL

      Love the Ray-Bans trick, OFM!

      • OFM


  • OFM

    DEMOCRATIC – Absurdly comedic rat-race for the top job? (COMEDICRAT)*

  • SL

    DEMOCRATIC – Ostensibly egalitarian protest over conservative scoundrel in charge
    [DEMO + C/onservative + RAT + IC]

    • OFM
